We are shutting down our service. Last day of Sales is Dec 31st, 2023. The website and download server will be shut down on March 1st, 2024. 75%+ discount on all bulk packages. Ensure to download and backup all your bought packages!


Tour › Refer, Resell & Profit

Refer, Resell & Profit

If you have poker friends, then you probably want them to be successful, right? And you definitely want to tell them about HHSmithy’s great service, price and support. So why not get paid to tell them? We have multiple options for you to make a tidy profit for every user you send our way.

Affiliate Scheme

We offer the best affiliate revenue deal in the industry where you can earn up to 25% of any revenue generated by your referrals. We have affiliates earning over $1,000/month - so get referring now!

Marketing material

If you own a poker site or blog and want to start marketing HHSmithy, we’ve created some world class banners and promotional material to get you started. These banners will look great in all sizes and on any type of background - and most importantly, they'll convert well.


Sometimes you want to start your own business and might have some awesome ideas on how to use all this data for something great. With HHSmithy we can sell you huge quantities of hands for just this purpose. We currently supply hands to hhDealer and other hand selling sites. If you have a great idea contact us about our wholesale prices.

Increase Your Winrate with HHSmithy

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